This follow-up is part of a natural garden project designed by Horus paysages for a guest house. We find there all the elements of a naturalist garden which favour biodiversity. Thus, a micro-drill, a meadow, an orchard, a pond and large melliferous flowerbeds can be found in 6000m2.
Edible forest
The whole garden is turned into a forest, or rather a greedy forest. After clearing the existing cypress and photinias, we reworked all the strata to optimize the wood. We planted a group of Carpinus betulus, Tilia cordata, Betula, Coryllus avellana, Sambucus nigra and racemosa in the upper layer. Concerning the intermediate layer and the hem of the forest, a mixture of Viburnums opulus, Loniceras caerulea, Elaeagnus umbellata, Crataegus laevigata, Amelanchier alnifolia and ovalis was planted. The low stratum, when it borders essentially the paths is constituted Rubus, Ribes, and Fragarias, thus allowing the picking throughout the stroll. Under the existing large trees a mixture of perennials of undergrowth having vocation to be naturalized was installed, Athyriums, Vincas, Fragarias, Primulas, Mentha, Aquilegia, Symphitum, campanula latifolia…
The paths will be covered with RCW mulch and lined with dead branches recovered from the pruning of old Acer at the end of its life. Gradually the planted vegetation will be mixed with spontaneous plants which will be accepted but controlled. Only the paths will be weeded for a natural and wild aspect.
Dedication to the Jardin de Gally teams on the field who braved the incessant rain of this month of January.
The companies in charge of this project are :
- Les jardins de Gally ( lot plantation et nivellement )
- Il était une feuille ( lot ouvrages bois )
- Soisy arrosage ( lot arrosage et bassin )