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After having pushed back the forests to protect us from predators and cultivate in peace, we are witnessing a reversal of the phenomenon…now, with agroforestry, we are replanting the forests to associate them with our crops. And the results are without appeal! In fact, trees contribute more than you might think to the balance of […]

Founded in 1984 by Mr. and Mrs. JAVOY near Orléans, the JAVOY nurseries have specialized in the world of climbing plants. In 2010, the founding couple’s two children, Marie-Laure and Benoit, took over the reins of the family business, which they have passionately and successfully developed to this day. HORUS has been recommending them in […]

Located north of Lyon, in Châtillon sur Chalaronne, the SOUPE nurseries have been producing exceptional trees since 1975. Certified with the “Plante Bleue” label, this nursery is committed to environmentally friendly production, particularly in water management, fertilizers, and phytosanitary products. At HORUS Paysages, we are sensitive to this approach, which, in addition to being virtuous, […]

The lighting aspect of this private park project was designed in collaboration with Franck Guillot (FG Aménagement). The entire concept of the park followed a philosophy of restraint in order to maximize the enhancement of the existing elements, so it was natural to think of the lighting in the same way. Light before the fixture […]

Our clients wanted to rethink the organization of their garden from both a practical and aesthetic perspective. Having recently left Paris, they desired a “bohemian chic” ambiance that was both natural and featured a carefully selected choice of materials. The key idea of the project was to open up the view to the fields while […]

Landscape design studio for naturalistic gardens