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After having pushed back the forests to protect us from predators and cultivate in peace, we are witnessing a reversal of the phenomenon…now, with agroforestry, we are replanting the forests to associate them with our crops. And the results are without appeal! In fact, trees contribute more than you might think to the balance of […]

Our clients wanted to rethink the organization of their garden from both a practical and aesthetic perspective. Having recently left Paris, they desired a “bohemian chic” ambiance that was both natural and featured a carefully selected choice of materials. The key idea of the project was to open up the view to the fields while […]

From a royal outbuilding to a golf course It is a dream that was born in 1954, with the acquisition by Mr. Féau of a farm on the hillside. This small piece of land was very quickly transformed into a prestigious golf course, inaugurated in 1959. Since then, this former royal dependency of the Château […]

Landscape design studio for naturalistic gardens