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After having pushed back the forests to protect us from predators and cultivate in peace, we are witnessing a reversal of the phenomenon…now, with agroforestry, we are replanting the forests to associate them with our crops. And the results are without appeal! In fact, trees contribute more than you might think to the balance of […]

The lighting aspect of this private park project was designed in collaboration with Franck Guillot (FG Aménagement). The entire concept of the park followed a philosophy of restraint in order to maximize the enhancement of the existing elements, so it was natural to think of the lighting in the same way. Light before the fixture […]

A 19th Century Property on Neauphle-le-Chateau Hill This 19th-century property perched on the hill of Neauphle-le-Chateau was acquired just before the COVID crisis by a couple seeking simplicity and beauty, far from the urban hustle and bustle of Paris and New York. Differential Management as a Guiding Principle Two hectares for a secondary property… decisions […]

This guesthouse located in Feucherolles, France, VAL TREBBIA, commissioned us to design its park with a naturalistic spirit. We are sharing some images of the garden 4 months after the project’s completion in Spring 2023. What is maintenance follow-up? Maintenance follow-up involves guiding the gardening teams during the first year after the completion of the […]

Within the framework of the redevelopment of the 5000m2 of this property of the Golf of Saint-Nom-La-Breteche we follow the various operations of implementation of the project. After the earthworks and levelling which modified the topography of the site, we install a micro stonework to stage the entrance of the villa. A micro-stone pit made […]

Landscape design studio for naturalistic gardens